Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Our Christmas Message to you.

Minischool Educational Preschool

Wishes you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Joyous New Year,

We thank our Families and the Norfolk Island Community for making the year of 2014 one filled with

laughter & FRIENDShIP  FUN

Adventures and Discoveries

Friendships made and supported.

 Playing in a creative atmosphere

Many HAPPY times.  Learning life skills.


Making Magic. Planting seeds. dreaming BIG.

Dressing up and silly dancing.

 Fuelling Imaginations

learning through the seasons

Making mistakes and trying again. LOTS OF HUGS!


Educational based learning through themes and educational play equipment

Discovering our island and the world at large


May the wonder and special memories made during your preschool years be with you forever and  2015 be just as memorable.

 We are having a 2 week break. Back on the 5th of January for vacation care.

You can keep up with our regular updates on Facebook, also on our Norfolk Island Preschool Blog and now on Pinterest.


1 comment:

  1. Same to you dear!! I wish your year will be wonderful. My kid’s enjoyed celebrating New Year in Phoenix pre-k with making some art and crafts. They also learnt new things on planting seeds in school. They enjoyed every task. I am happy that they are learning new skills.


Thankyou for visiting us at Minischool.
If you have any further inquiries you can reach Cristina on phone: +6723 51862 or email
You can find us on facebook.